Banavar NV,
Bornstein AM.
Variability in Complex Constructs: Inferring risk preference and temporal discounting. [
Banavar NV,
Bornstein AM.
Independent, not irrelevant: Trial order causes systematic misestimation of economic choice traits. [
Hadj-Amar B,
Bornstein AM, Guindani M, Vannucci M.
Sparse Gaussian Graphical Modeling of High-Dimensional Time Series with Discrete Autoregressive Process.
Hunter LE*,
Bornstein AM*, Hartley CA.
A common deliberative process underlies model-based planning and patient intertemporal choice. [
Noh SM, Cooper KW, Stark CEL,
Bornstein AM.
Multi-step inference can be improved across the lifespan with individualized memory interventions. [
Yoo J,
Bornstein AM.
Temporal dynamics of model-based control reveal arbitration between multiple task representations.
Peer-reviewed publications
Khoudary A, Peters MAK*,
Bornstein AM* (accepted in principle).
Reasoning goals and representational decisions in computational cognitive neuroscience: a case study from bounded evidence accumulation. European Journal of Neuroscience. [
Banavar NV,
Noh SM, Wahlheim CN, Cassidy BS, Kirwan CB, Stark CEL,
Bornstein AM (in press).
A response time model of the three-choice Mnemonic Similarity Task provides stable, mechanistically interpretable individual-difference measures. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Yoo J, Chrastil ER,
Bornstein AM (2024).
Cognitive graphs: Representational substrates for planning. Decision.
Chen Y,
Harhen NC, Stout DA,
Bornstein AM (2024). Early life unpredictability modulates planning horizon in a structured foraging task.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. [
Harhen NC, Hartley CA,
Bornstein AM (2024). Development of structure inference contributes to age-related differences in exploration.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. [
Yoo J,
Zhou D,
Bornstein AM (2024). Latent cause inference as an efficient and flexible learning rule for cognitive graphs.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. [
Zhou D,
Noh SM, Yassa MA,
Bornstein AM (2024). Pattern separation using compressed and semantic representations of memory.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. [
Chen J,
Bornstein AM (2024).
The causal structure and computational value of narratives.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [
Zhou D,
Bornstein AM (2024).
Expanding horizons in reinforcement learning for curious exploration and creative planning (Commentary on Ivancovsky et al).
Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Banavar NV,
Bornstein AM (2024).
Multi-plasticities: Distinguishing context-specific habits from complex perseverations.
In Y. Vandaele (Ed.).
Habits - Their Definition, Neurobiology and Role in Addiction. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Harhen NC,
Bornstein AM (2024).
Interval timing as a computational pathway from early life adversity to affective disorders.
Topics in Cognitive Science.
Noh SM, Singla UK, Bennett IJ,
Bornstein AM (2023).
Memory precision and age differentially predict the use of decision-making strategies across the lifespan.
Scientific Reports, 13:17014.
Bornstein AM, Aly M, Feng SF, Turk-Browne NB, Norman KA, Cohen JD (2023).
Associative memory retrieval modulates upcoming perceptual decisions.
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 23:645–665.
psychonomic society blog post]
Harhen NC,
Bornstein AM (2023).
Overharvesting in human patch foraging reflects rational structure learning and adaptive planning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(13):e2216524120.[
pdf] [
supplement] [
code&data] [
submitted cover (
Otto AR, Devine S, Schultz E,
Bornstein AM*, Louie K* (2022).
Context-dependent choice and evaluation in real-world consumer behavior. Scientific Reports. [
pdf] [
Khoudary A, Peters MAK*,
Bornstein AM* (2022). Precision-weighted evidence integration predicts time-varying influence of memory on perceptual decisions.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. [
pdf] [
Banavar NV,
Bornstein AM (2022).
Response time modeling provides stable and mechanistically interpretable measures of individual differences in behavioral pattern separation. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. [
Harhen NC,
Bornstein AM (2022).
Learning to expect change: Volatility during early experience alters reward expectations in a model of interval timing. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. [
Rmus M, Ritz H, Hunter LE,
Bornstein AM*, Shenhav A* (2022).
Humans can navigate complex graph structures acquired during latent learning. Cognition, 225:105103. [
pdf] [
Banavar NV,
Bornstein AM (2022). Decision difficulty modulates the re-use of computations across trials in non-sequential decision tasks.
Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. [
Harhen NC,
Bornstein AM (2022). Humans adapt their foraging strategies and computations to environment complexity.
Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. [
Yoo J,
Bornstein AM (2022). Two-stage task with increased state space complexity to assess online planning.
Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. [
Wang S*, Feng SF,
Bornstein AM* (2021).
Mixing memory and desire: How dynamic reactivation of multiple memory representations guides decisions for reward. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews in Cognitive Science, e1581. [
Banavar NV, Lee MD, Bornstein AM (2021).
Sequential effects in non-sequential tasks. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. [
Harhen NC,
Bornstein AM (2021).
Structure learning as a mechanism of overharvesting. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. [
Harhen NC, Hartley CA,
Bornstein AM (2021).
Model-based foraging using latent-cause inference. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [
pdf] [
Rouhani N, Norman KA, Niv Y,
Bornstein AM (2020).
Reward prediction errors create event boundaries in memory. Cognition, 203:104269. [
Bornstein AM*, Pickard H* (2020).
Chasing the first high: Memory sampling in drug choice. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45(6):907-915. [
pdf] [
research highlight]
Kane GA,
Bornstein AM, Shenhav A, Wilson RC, Daw ND, Cohen JD (2019).
Rats exhibit similar biases in foraging and intertemporal choice tasks. eLife, 8:e48429. [
Millner AJ, den Ouden HEM, Gershman SJ, Glenn CR, Kearns J,
Bornstein AM, Marx BP, Keane TM, Nock MK (2019).
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are associated with an increased decision-making bias for active responses to escape aversive states. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(2):106-118.
2018 and before
Hoskin AN,
Bornstein AM, Norman KA, Cohen JD (2018).
Refresh my memory: Episodic memory reinstatements intrude on working memory maintenance. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 19:338-354. [
pdf] [
supplement] [
Bornstein AM, Khaw MW, Shohamy D, Daw ND (2017).
Reminders of past choices bias decisions for reward in humans. Nature Communications, 8:15958. [
pdf] [
supplement] [
news & views]
Bornstein AM, Norman KA (2017).
Reinstated episodic context guides sampling-based decisions for reward. Nature Neuroscience, 20:997-1003. [
pdf] [
supplement] [
news & views] [
Kane GA,
Bornstein AM, Shenhav A, Wilson RC, Daw ND, Cohen JD (2017).
Mechanisms of overharvesting in patch foraging. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 637-642. [
Bornstein AM, Daw ND (2013).
Cortical and hippocampal correlates of deliberation during model-based decisions for rewards in humans. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(12):e1003387. [
pdf] [
Bornstein AM, Daw ND (2012).
Dissociating hippocampal and striatal contributions to sequential prediction learning. European Journal of Neuroscience, 35:1011-1023. [
pdf] [
Bornstein AM, Daw ND (2011).
Multiplicity of control in the basal ganglia: Computational roles of striatal subregions. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 21(3):374-380. [
Preston AR,
Bornstein AM, Hutchinson JB, Gaare ME, Glover GH, Wagner AD (2010).
High-resolution fMRI of content-sensitive subsequent memory responses in human medial temporal lobe. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22:156-173.
Floares A, Jakary A,
Bornstein AM, Deicken R (2006).
Neural networks and Classification and Regression Trees are able to distinguish females with major depression from healthy controls using neuroimaging data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference of Neural Networks, 2006, 4605-4611.
Bornstein AM*, Constantino SM* (2017). Nudge back: Towards a taxonomy of scientific rationalities. London Conference in Critical Thought. [
Bornstein AM, Miller KJ, Shenhav A (2015).
Walking bundles of habits (and Response-Outcome associations). European Journal of Neuroscience, 41:1356-1357. [
Wallisch P,
Bornstein AM (2013).
Enhanced motion perception as a psychophysical marker for autism? Journal of Neuroscience, 33(37):14631-14632. [
Bornstein AM, Nylen EL, Steele SA (2011).
Unblocking the neural substrates of model-based value. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(28):10117-10118. [
Bornstein AM, Shvartsman M (2015).
Distinguishing between descriptive and rational approaches to collapsing decision bounds. [
Bornstein AM, Constantino SM (2012).
The temporal dynamics of value-based decisions in humans. [